Monday, June 20, 2011

Lawless America - Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption Exposed

Lawless America - Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption Exposed


all4law said...

My heart is breaking because I know how true and real the plight of Mr. Ball is for so many decent people destroyed by this horrific system that systematically destroys people individually, and as a result, entire families including the grandparents through to the children. And then, perhaps even the children's children will suffer the consequences of whatever PTS carries over from their growing up with a father who committed suicide for what I know, was no other reason than he knew he could never prevail over the entrenched corruption and dysfunctional system he was forced into.

Mr. Freeman did an outstanding job prefacing Mr. Ball's letter. Everyone needs to read Mr. Ball's letter because what he says therein is exactly what's going on throughout the country in these courts and with CPS and all the other agencies funded through title IV, profiting from destroying families.

My heart breaks as I know the only reason this is getting any exposure is because Mr. Ball took his life to make that happen. Otherwise it happens, everyday, everywhere, unaccounted for.

Chester chalupowski said...

Self Immolation have had some impact on oppression if the witnesses continue with its awareness and force the people to recognize the sacrifice.