Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Banding together to change probate court – could changes be on the way?

Banding together to change probate court – could changes be on the way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I believe that swift changes will be on it's way to put an end to guardianship abuse, because please please believe me, Guardianship/conservationship abuse can happen to anyone, and no matter what the abuse whether it's physically, or emotionally etc, it's still abuse, if you type in the words guardianship abuse oh my gosh what you would find would bring tears to your eyes, and one doesn't even have to be an elder guardianship abuse even happens to the young, and its a sient crime against all people the professional guardians as they like to think themselves as , they are stealing money from those innocent people all because they are greedy so they think that it is ok if done using the color of law but just because its done using the law but just because it's done under the color of law doesn't make it right. I have done much searching and have educated myself , as they say knowledge is power and ohhhh yes i can understand more now what they were talking about because the more one knows about a certain topic the better they will be prepaired to know when they or their loved one is being lied to. well I thought it needful to share my thoughts and concerns to the rest of the world and help educate others so they can stand against all forms of abuse and not just against guardianship/conservationship abuse